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Website Changes

As a few of you will know I’m a long time fan and SpotRacers player, since it’s global relaunch beginnings back in 2021.  This website spawned off the back of the SpotRacers Facebook Group which I created to raise awareness of the game and to try help the small team behind SpotRacers spread the word.  It’s a pure passion project funded out of my own pocket (supplemented by the unecessary evil advertisements).  I never wanted to put advertisements on the site, as I feel the same about them as I’m sure the majority of visitors do!  Full disclosure, in the 12-18 months I made $100 AUD through advertisements which I fully appreciate and thank every one of you who clicked.  For my first real amateur venture in to websites, I’ve actually been humbled by the visitor stats and the amount I received through advertisements.  Unfortunately it isn’t enough to fully cover the renewal price (circa $350-400 AUD per year) and in the current economic climate, it becomes a little harder to justify the self funding the shortfall.  So it was close down the website or look at alternatives. 

Fortunately I found a new host which for 12 months is covered by the ad revenue. The look of the website will change as I cannot export from the current host to the new host.  I’m creating the new website in parrallel so it should be a seamless transition when ready.  As an added bonus I move away from a proprietary web builder to WordPress which is more universal and should be a benefit going forward. 

Once again, thank you.  I know that in the grand scheme of things the traffic this website receives is a drop in the ocean but your visits put a smile on my face regardless. 

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  1. Thank you a lot for the effort, the site reaaaally help us out at first with some cool tip and let us discover the game, nowadeys is a fantastic way to ‘hack’ the car database for collecting the best SpotRacer and find the right cars to scan.
    Really reall thank you.

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