Update on SpotRacers Status

Update on SpotRacers Status

In what has been a hectic few days for the SpotRacers team, it looks like some positive news could be on the horizon.

In an update provided to me this afternoon, the team have been desperately trying to contact Amazon Game Spark support since the problem began.  In another day of attempting contact, finally the team have been able to speak to someone who has agreed to look in to the problem this evening. The communications problem is in part due to it being a public holiday in many countries across the world today.
With a bit of luck, they’re hopeful that normal service will resume tomorrow for everyone.

The entire team would like to thank the players for their patience and understanding. They fully understand the frustration

Update:  SpotRacers continues to be unavailable for Android players as of Tuesday afternoon.  As employees return to work following the extended weekend due to public holidays, the team is now able to have  active ongoing discussions with Game Spark and things are moving forward slowly.  They are still hopeful that the issue can be resolved and normal service can resume later today.

Update: Unfortunately no positive news to bring just yet, as SpotRacers remains offline for Android players. The SpotRacers team have been in near constant contact with Game Spark throughout the day. Progress was made and the problem identified, however it is now a waiting game as the resolution lies with senior staff sign off at Amazon (Game Spark owners). As frustrating as this is for us players, please spare a thought for the SpotRacers team. When the problem is in-house, you can own it and work on it relentlessly until its fixed in a good time. However when the problem lies with others outside your direct influence, you’re at their mercy. Not only frustrating, but also financially damaging as the longer the game is offline to the majority of the player base, the less revenue is generated.
Ironically, SpotRacers may be a victim of its own success in the case of this particular issue.

Anyone got a number for Jeff Bezos!?