SpotRacers Rumour

Friendly Races?

Trawling through the Play Store reviews I found a snippet of information on friendly races. According to the response from Level Up Garage, friendly races are now in production and…
SpotRacers Rumour

Formula Race Cars?

The above image was posted by the official SpotRacers Facebook page as a teaser in response to a players request. Could this mean players will be able to scan Formula…


Please note, the support team are aware there is currently a bug with completing spotter missions. They are working on fixing this.
SpotRacers Back Online Image

Back Online

After mostly successful transitioning to the new backend, SpotRacers is back online! A new update is available in the Play Store and the AppStore. As a thank you the team…
SpotRacers App Splash

History of SpotRacers

A little bit of history about the game I put together through some researching. Thought some may find it interesting.Some time before the game was created, a project was listed…
SpotRacers Fanbase Website Image

Website Updates

Great news! In an effort to relieve some of the pressure on the small development team behind SpotRacers in answering support questions, Level Up Garage's website now links and points…
SpotRacers New Name

Wasp Swatted!

Following the recent update to version 1.13.0, Pyro The Maniac noticed that Wasp has been renamed to "Buzz"! Although the name change has not been referenced everywhere throughout the game,…
SpotRacers App Splash

Grab a Gift

In response to the recent down time the SpotRacers team have put togeter a special toolbox for all players.  Log in to the game today and check your in game…