SpotRacers New Feature


Leaderboards is a new feature just added to SpotRacers!

Weekly leaderboards will begin where players compete against other players for trophies. Final placement in the Division races will reward you with medals which contribute to your overall leaderboard score. Those scoring high enough will receive a trophy at the end of the week which will be displayed on your profile page next to your player image for everyone to see!

There is also a weekly challenge leaderboad where the goal of the week can vary, meaning there is something to aim for other then top placements.

To make it easier to track your placement, there is also a filter feature to switch between global and social leaderboards, so you can check how you’re doing against your friends.

At the end of every week, one player will be awarded the Champion Trophy and will be displayed on top of the Top Racers Results list for ultimate bragging rights!

In other news, an update is available for the SpotRacers app. Check your respective device stores.